[Austin, Nicholas, and Hilarie all sitting on a bench outside.]
Hilarie Burton: Hi guys! It’s the Southern Gothic team, bringing you another vlog! We’re just spending a beautiful Monday afternoon… [Austin puts up bunny ears behind Nick’s head] Bunny ears is so funny… We’re spending another beautiful afternoon…
Nicholas Gray: [to Austin] I knew you were doing that.
HB: …not at work. [sees both boys are leaning back] Lean back. You can’t… don’t bunny ear me either! Anyway, it’s Hilarie, Nick, and Austin, and we were shooting a little bit of a short film today, and wrapped for the day, and now we’re just waxing on who our favorite characters of all time in movies are. You know, the character we saw when we were younger and were, like, ‘Oh, I want to do this for a living. That’s so cool that somebody got to do that.’ So, Austin, do you want to go first?
Austin Nichols: My favorite character is Chance, the Gardener, from “Being There.” Hal Ashby is one of my favorite filmmakers. He later became known as Chauncey Gardiner, but he was Chance the Gardner. And Peter Sellers is one of my favorite actors, first of all, /comedian/writer/amazing man. But for some reason, Chauncey Gardiner was just incredibly memorable. His bowler, and his suitcase, and his jacket, and his clothes that were just an old man’s from like, the 20s and 30s. Just the idea that they’ve got a simple guy that’s not a simple-minded man, who’s disabled mentally, can have this incredible impact on society and the world and everyone around him.
HB: Was that something you were into when you were doing “John from Cincinnati”?
AN: [nods yes]
HB: Was that your muse?
AN: [nods yes]
HB: Oh, fabulous! How neat!
[both laugh]
NG: Shirley MacLaine is in that movie.
HB: Oh, my god! Dear Shirley, I heart you. Love, Hilarie.
NG: She has a really uncomfortable moment in the movie…
AN: The sex scene? When she’s dancing for him? She’s so good.
NG: Yeah. Okay, Hilarie.
HB: I have to go next?
AN: Yup.
HB: Alright, the movie I saw when I was, probably like, eight years old, is “Funny Girl” with Barbra Streisand. [Austin starts to laugh] You’re laughing! Why are you laughing already? What’s funny about that?
AN: Because it’s Barbra!
HB: One, I wanted to be Jewish forever.
NG: Still do.
HB: Turns out I can’t get away from this WASPy thing. [laughs] No, Barbra, in that movie, you know, she plays somebody that really, really just wants to perform. It’s the story of Fanny Brice, who’s this really famous radio actress. And I used to… We weren’t allowed to listen to modern radio. We weren’t allowed to watch a lot of TV or movies growing up, but every Sunday night NPR would play these old radio shows. So, I would listen to the real Fanny Brice, and then watch this movie about her life, which Barbra Streisand is just so dazzling in. And she has this song, before she makes it, that’s “I’m the greatest star. I am by far. But no one knows it.” And I just remember going to auditions as a kid and being like, ‘Yes! No one knows but, it’s about to go down.” So yeah, that’s still the soundtrack I listen to when I need to get pumped up.
AN: Nice.
NG: I thought you were gonna do your Jewish monologue.
HB: No! I did it last night. I won’t do it now. [laughs] Whatever. Who’s yours?
NG: Well, I don’t know, I really like Sarah Michelle Gellar in “Cruel Intentions.” [Hilarie and Austin burst out laughing] No, I like, I love Eliza Dolittle. [starts laughing]
HB: [laughing] You want to play her!
NG: You know, they recently did a production of “My Fair Lady” here, in Wilmington, and I really wanted to play Eliza Dolittle, but…
HB: [still laughing] …they wouldn’t let him!
NG: … they wouldn’t let me.
AN: Nuts!
HB: I was telling him today, we should do our own YouTube version of you as Eliza Dolittle.
NG: Just you wait.
HB: [starts singing] “Just you wait, Henry Higgins, just you wait…” Anyways… Those are some of our favorites, please, send us some of yours! Can’t wait! Bye guys.
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