first vlog on the new site! Enjoy!
[Hilarie is laying on a couch with Nick sitting on a chair behind her]
Hilarie Burton: Nick, I am so tired.
Nicholas Gray: I bet you are.
HB: Aren’t you so tired?
NG: I was tired a few days ago.
HB: Do you want to tell everybody why we’re tired?
NG: Well, we are tired because we have wrapped on our first webisode of our web series.
HB: Totally.
NG: “Friendship Union Community Theatre.”
HB: [whistles] Probably the best theatre company…
NG: Good whistle!
HB: Thank you. The best theatre company ever, right? I mean, at least that we’ve worked in.
NG: Yeah. Best, or the worst, depending on who’s looking at it.
HB: Sometimes that’s the same thing. [Nick agrees] Yeah, we wrapped… we shot for two whole days. How many actors did we have on this thing?
NG: Eight.
HB: No ego. Well… [Nick wiggles his eyebrows] There’s that one… [mutters] Anetta…
NG: [groans with a smile] Anetta Jenkins…
HB: [laughing] No. We had such an awesome, awesome crew, and such an awesome cast. We shot for two days in a location downtown… on the fifth floor… with a broken elevator… which was awesome! And you directed your little ass off, Nick!
NG: Yeah!
HB: Did you have fun?
NG: I did have fun. I think it was… you know, I think we really put that whole thing together in a little over two weeks.
HB:… which was not the right amount of time. [laughs]
NG: No, but it happened!
HB: Ideally for the second one, because there will be a second one, how much time do you think we need to get that set up?
NG: I mean I’m not really sure, because Kelly always tries to get me to do things really fast…
HB: Yeah… [whipping motion]
NG:… and then he won’t let me do it for a longer time later. [laughs and smiles at Kelly off camera]
HB: Yeah, now you’ve set a precedent and now you’re only allowed two weeks from here on out. [both laugh] God, that sucks!
NG: I mean, I don’t really know. You know, I haven’t started writing the next episodes yet, but once we do that… I mean, it might be nice to have, like, three weeks.
HB: [sarcastically] What? Three whole weeks?
NG: Well, I mean on and off.
HB: What was your favorite part about directing?
NG: My favorite part about directing was…
HB:… wrapping? [both laugh]
NG: No, I think I… you know, I enjoy learning things, because I’m a student.
HB: What did you learn?
NG: Well, I learned about… you know, I’m really comfortable with a lot of theatre stuff. I mean, this is really the first thing that I’ve directed for film besides for… because I never paid attention in college when we were supposed to be making films.
HB: [laughs] You were going to be a director!
NG: Yeah, something like that.
HB: [laughing]… but you never paid attention to directing before.
NG: Yeah, I was in a dining hall. They had awesome waffles in there and stuff.
HB: Oh, we love waffles! We love breakfast for dinner in general.
NG: But, no, I mean, when you’re directing for film it’s an entirely different process, and it wasn’t something I was entirely comfortable with, but I learned a lot, and maybe I’ll do the finale.
HB: So, who else is gonna direct?
NG: You are…
HB: I don’t… oh, I’m scared!
NG: You’re gonna do the one that’s gonna be an entire steady cam shot for the whole…
HB: Oh yeah! We are gonna do one webisode where we take one whole day just to rehearse the whole thing, and then the whole five minute webisode is all one shot. I think we can do it.
NG: Happy birthday, Grandma!
HB: [does arm motion] Happy birthday, Grandma!
NG: [laughs] You guys will have no idea what that means.
HB: Nope, but you’re gonna love it when you find out!
NG: You, and Billy…
HB: Kelly’s going to direct. Billy’s going to direct. We will probably make somebody out of the bar, at some point, that we’ll let direct, because we make poor choices when we’re out. [both laugh]
NG: No, we don’t!
HB: No, we don’t. Yeah, I mean, we’re all gonna take turns and play and I’m sure we’ll all have different styles, so look forwards to you guys figuring out who’s doing what! But yeah, we’re gonna nap for, like, the next couple days, and when ‘Friendship Union Community Theatre’ is good and ready, it’s on kids! ‘Till then… Nighty night!