Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Vlog #26: If Lost in space...

for all you Star Trek junkies...
enjoy =]

[open to a shot of two chairs and a table]

Hilarie Burton: [off screen] Beam us up, Kelly!

[Nick and Hilarie and ‘beamed’ onto camera and sit in chairs, sighing]

HB: Oh, man.

Nicholas Gray: Hey guys! It’s Nick and Hilarie.

HB: [waves] Hi!

NG: Just getting back from… we went to the movies!

HB: Yeah, we told you guys we were gonna go to a playoff hockey game… That’s a little too hip for us. We actually had a scheduling conflict, and then we ended up with a free evening, so what did we do? [to Nick] Tell them.

NG: We went to go see ‘Star Trek’, something that neither Hilarie nor I know a thing about.

HB: Don’t get me wrong. I love outer space.

NG: Me too.

HB: Love it. But we never watched that show growing up.

NG: Would you want to get lost in space? Like would you want to be floating around in space?

HB: Would I have my iPod?

NG: You know, I googled this once actually, to see what would happen. And I couldn’t find a distinct answer but…

HB: You should just listen to the David Bowie records…

NG: …but it said, in the information I found, that you would not explode.

HB: Really?

NG: Yeah.

HB: Wow. What a way to go! I think you’d just freeze to death… Anyway, while we speculate, ‘Star Trek’ is a really fantastic movie, and I’m gonna venture to say I like it better than ‘Star Wars.’ And it’s large… [Nick gives her a look concerning the ‘Star Wars’ statement] I know, I know. Right?

NG: Oh my god, I can’t believe you just said that.

HB: I know. It’s like cussing! It’s kind of taboo. I like… you know why I liked it? Because of Spock!

NG: Yeah, let’s do points.

HB: Okay…

NG: Spock.

HB: Spock. Oh, weren’t we going to compare ‘Star Trek’ to ‘Pedestrian’? [both laugh] Similarities and differences? This is what Nick and I were thinking last night in the theatre. Okay, so similarities between ‘Star Trek’ and ‘Pedestrian.’ One: it’s a journey.

NG: Yes.

HB: Two: coming-of-age tale.

NG: Yes.

HB: Yes…

NG: Three: Anton Yelchin was awesome.

HB: Oh, what a kitten!

NG: And… he played a really good character, and there is really eccentric characters in ‘Pedestrian.’

HB: That’s true. There were lots of accents in ‘Star Trek’ and we’ve got some southern accents in ‘Pedestrian.’

NG: There was no Mona.

HB: Yeah, but there was some cool battles and we might have a bit of a bar battle in ours.

NG: Yeah, and then there is that other part… [makes arm motion]

HB: Oh yeah, don’t tell them! Differences… ‘Star Trek’ takes place in the future.

NG: ‘Pedestrian’ take place in the present.

HB: Perfect. Present perfect. Also, they wear kind of all the same outfit in that movie, and our outfits are really colorful in ours.

NG: Yeah, and Mona wears a lot of variation of…

HB: …a particular look.

NG: …a particular look.

HB: That’s true. Also, we have roadside attractions in ours, and I don’t know if you can…

NG: They have planets along the way.

HB: No, that’s a similarity. No, I guess that’s a difference.

NG: Oh yeah.

HB: I don’t know. We got lost.

NG: Nuts!

HB: We just like that little alien.

NG: Yeah, we were pretty confused the whole time. Things I don’t know, like why do they have different shirts on… [Hilarie starts laughing] Actually I didn’t think that green girl looked that good, but that’s just…

HB: I liked her red hair. Yeah, I mean, it was a really fun movie, better than a hockey game.

NG: You all know I love Syler, so I was really…

HB: Oh, Spock!

NG: …into the whole Spock thing.

HB: Can’t wait to see round 2 with him…

NG: [Nick does a space sign with his hand] Can you do this?

HB: [does the sign as well] Yeah.

NG: Weird…

HB: [waving with space sign] Bye guys!

[Hilarie and Nick ‘beam out.’ Only the table and chairs are left.]

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