Monday, May 4, 2009

Vlog #24: Nick and Hilarie don't like...

what creeps Nick and Hil out

[Nick and Hilarie are on the riverwalk]

Nicholas Gray: Hi guys! It’s Nick and Hilarie here. Today we’re introducing a new segment to you called “I’m scared!” [Hilarie gasps] … because sometimes Southern Gothic stuff is kind of scary, and so yesterday Hilarie and I were at lunch and we were reading one of the local papers called “Encore” and they were having their local doggy… wait… [stops to read the cover of the newspaper that Hilarie brought from behind her back, while she pretends to hide it]… “Doggy Cover Model Contest!”… and this is the dog that won. [to camera] Zoom in. [camera zooms in to dog’s face, while Hilarie holds it up] Alright, zoom out. [camera zooms out] And I’m scared of this dog for several reasons…

Hilarie Burton: [laughing] Who isn’t?

NG: The first reason is because his head is shaved so that it’s a perfect circle, and because of that he looks like a 4th grader. And the second reason is because he’s wearing this polo shirt.

HB: Dogs should not wear clothes! That’s human stuff.

NG: And it’s also yellow… [towards people who just ran by] Joggers. [Hilarie waves] And the third reason is his name is Bobby Gorgeous, [Hilarie laughs] which makes it seem like he’s a mafia hit man and…

HB: … but a beautiful…

NG:… but a beautiful one! But he kind of reminds me of Pennywise, so I’m scared of this dog.

HB: If you see this dog, do not bring him around us.

[Nick shakes his head as camera zooms to the dog picture again]

1 comment:

  1. Thanks once again Nicole ;) it Means a lot that you take time to do it !
