[close up of sign that reads ‘Private Property: No Trespassing”]
Hilarie Burton: [off screen] We will let you guys introduce yourselves to the community.
[pan to Hilarie and two ladies standing on the Riverwalk]
HB: Trespassing, shmespassing. We’re Southern Gothic, man! We’re rebels. We’re taking it to the streets. We’re breaking all sorts of rules. I’m Hilarie, hanging out here on the Riverwalk in downtown Wilmington, and we have a couple, in the flesh, real life, SoGoPro fans that I actually met in a bar last night. Why don’t you guys introduce yourself to the community here.
First girl: Hi, I’m Lindsay.
Second girl: Kim.
HB: Where are you guys from?
K: Arkansas.
HB: Now, what brought you up here to Wilmington.
K: Actually, I’m looking to move out here.
HB: Really? And what inspired that?
K: Southern Gothic Productions.
HB: [dances] Yeah! Woot woot! No, that’s awesome. Actually, we were in a bar last night, I was going out with a bunch of the people that I’m shooting that movie “Provinces of Night” with, and all the boys left, and it was just me and one of my girlfriends left, and these two sweet women walked up, and we got to talking, and I was like, “yeah, we’re doing some blogs tomorrow, come check us out, come… [looks up at plane noice] come watch the planes that’s I’m sure you can hear. Come on, It’s beautiful! [looks up again] Where is it? Anyways, so we got to talking. They came in to town from Arkansas. How did you guys find out about Southern Gothic?
K: I was looking online for small production companies and came across it. I watch One Tree Hill too, so it just kind of worked out.
HB: Awesome. [to Lindsay] How did you get tricked into the trip?
[Lindsay points Kim]
HB: That one?
K: Me.
HB: Awesome. Now, do you want to go into film production? [Kim nods] Awesome. Now are you going to school for that?
K: Yeah, online through Full Sail.
HB: Oh, awesome! Now what do you want to be doing in ten years in film?
K: Producing or directing.
HB: Okay! Awesome, man! What kind of projects are you into?
K: Anything.
HB: Anything?
K: Anything. I love all kinds of stuff so…
HB: What’s your favorite movie of all time?
K: Probably “A Walk to Remember.”
HB: And that was done locally! How about that?
K: I knew that!
HB: [to Lindsay] And how about you? What kind of stuff… are you interested in film at all?
L: No, I’m just along for the ride.
HB: Okay. Right on! What are you interested in?
L: I like hotels.
HB: Oh. Awesome, man! Now if you could have your friend work on any kind of movie set, what kind of movie set would you want to come visit her on?
L: I like comedies.
HB: Comedies? Alright, who’s your favorite comedic actor?
L: Adam Sandler.
HB: Really? He is so charming. The last time I saw him he was wearing sweatpants, and my parents had come to visit me at MTV and he came out and shook their hands. He’s lovely. He’s really lovely. Awesome, and then this morning Kelly gave you guys a tour of the studio. How was that?
K: It was really cool.
HB: What all did you see?
K: We saw all the sets.
L: Everything.
HB: Yeah? The One Tree Hill sets?
K: Yeah.
HB: Isn’t it weird?
K: It is.
HB: It’s like a whole house being inside. It’s really strange, and that will be fun for us once we get our “Pedestrian” sets built, to be able to show you guys kind of the making of that. So, we’re looking forwards to showing you guys more behind the scenes stuff. Come visit us! We’re just wandering around Wilmington, hanging out, right?
K: Exactly.
HB: Awesome! See you guys later.
Thanks :) Nicole